Justin Trudeau, Canada’s newly-elected Prime Minister, made a commitment in his campaign to not only establish a diverse, gender-equal cabinet but to accept Syrian refugees fleeing their war-torn country. So far, he’s keeping true to his promises and showing the world what a politician who does not sacrifice their ideals looks likes.
MicNews reports that the Liberal government has pledged to accept 25,000 Syrian refugees – and confirmed earlier this week that the majority will be women, children, and families.
Because of security concerns, Canada will not accept unaccompanied males, but will make an exception for gay people who face persecution in Syria from both the government and the terrorist groups known as Islamic State.
Such is a far contrast from Conservative Republicans in America who not only frown upon aiding Syrian refugees but condemn homosexuality.
In the past, ISIS has staged hundreds of public executions for men accused of homosexuality, even though they had little proof to support the men were actually gay. The fact that Canada recognizes this is and aims to assist some of them inspires hope.
Reports the Ottowa Citizen:
“The government is aware that gays could be persecuted, and therefore plans to include them in the selection process aimed at rescuing some of the region’s most vulnerable refugees.”
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